Attached is the latest immigration update from Taiwan and South Korea for your reference. Below are a summary and highlights from each location. This will undoubtedly have an impact on your work in Taiwan, so if any questions, please let us know.
Taiwan – below is a summary from this morning Taiwan CDC press conference. We’re working to assess the impact of current visa applications and will update once known.
- Effective March 19th, 00:00 am TST, only Taiwanese citizens and alien resident cardholders will be allowed entry
- All travelers that are allowed entry are required to complete 14-day home quarantine
South Korea – COVID-19 pace has slowed down from this week, and there are no airports/ports/cities shut down.
- Entry ban is only applied to those who visited Hubei Province in the past 2 weeks or those who use passports issued from the Hubei Province.
- From March 19th, 2020, 00:00 KST, the special quarantine procedures are required to ALL visitors regardless of their nationality or where they are coming from. Korean citizens are also subject to these quarantine procedures upon arrival. (Fever checks + download Self Diagnosis App)